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Today, I commemorated Fire Prevention week and thanked our nation’s firefighters on behalf of my family and every American.
When the worst happens and those you love are in danger, there is no better sight in the world than firefighter who is ready to go to work.

As fires grow more intense, our firefighters will be called on more often.
We owe them resources.
We’ve invested in first responders through the American Rescue Plan, and are reducing wildfire risk by protecting forest health through our infrastructure and climate investments.

I’ve got progress to report — today, @USTreasury finalized the rule to fix the “family glitch” once and for all.
It’s time to fix what’s referred to as the “family glitch.”

I’m headed to Camp Hale, Colorado.
Because today, I’m declaring the Camp Hale-Continental Divide area a national monument in honor of our nation’s veterans, indigenous people, and their legacy.

I said that when it comes to fighting climate change, I will not take no for an answer.
I’m keeping my word.

It’s a key reason I ran for president. Working to give middle class families some breathing room in dealing with their costs is critical.

Meanwhile, Congressional Republicans’ number one priority is repealing the Inflation Reduction Act. They’ve said it themselves.
And if they got their way, everyday costs will go up — not down. That’s exactly the wrong thing to do.

Today marks the beginning of Medicare’s open enrollment period.
So when seniors pick plans for next year, they will be able to take advantage of the progress we’ve made — lower premiums because of the Inflation Reduction Act.

We pay more for our prescription drugs than any other nation in the world. It’s outrageous.
But now, instead of money going into the pockets of drug companies, it will go into your pockets in the form of lower drug prices.

Whether you vote for me or not, I’m not leaving anyone behind. I promised I’d be a president for all of America.
